Worcester State University 2015
Indoor Clinics |
Being held at Double Play Sports
& Fitness
190 Main St. in Cherry Valley
(508) 929-8852 / (774) 230-3872 or
CLINIC INFO: Kids work in small groups of similar
ages. No enrollment limit. If signing up the day of
the clinic please call to register so we can plan on
our end. Check in-out is at the entrance to the
facility. All sessions are run by a coach.
Competitions and drills occur each day plus we use
the weight room and video for analysis. We need an
email to send the video to. Kids hit tennis balls
and throw real baseballs. Let us know if you need a
bat or glove to use. Safety is always a priority,
and the coaches have as much fun as the kids. The
coaches are CPR-trained with basic 1st aid. Fruit
snacks and T-shirt (1 per clinic) are provided.
Arrive early on Day 1. Kids should wear
sneakers/turfs, bring their own equipment and water
bottle. Let us know if you want your child paired
a friend or relative. You can use the same sign-up
form for multiple clinics. 10% discount for children
of WSU faculty/staff/alums, multiple family members,
or teammates of 4+. These clinics are fund-raisers
for the WSU team. Park in the rear of the facility.
For PPD information due to bad weather call
774-230-3872. The staff holds an orientation meeting
prior to the start of each clinic. Send in the full
payment ASAP to reserve child’s place. If you need
to arrive earlier or pick up later due to
family/work commitments please contact the Director.
For the 3hour clinics there is a 30 min. break in
between. Payment confirms your registration.
8th Annual 6-Saturday Baseball
Jan 24-Feb 28
Cost $100 one session/ $165 for both
11 am–Noon: Hitting
12-1 pm: Pitching/Throwing
for players grades 1–12
20th Annual 3-Day Hitting Clinic
Feb. 16-17-18 from 9am-Noon for Ages 8-18
Cost $40 per day or $100 for all 3
6th Annual 1-Day Defense, S&C,
Base Running Clinic
All defensive positions, weight lifting for baseball
running the bases Friday Feb. 20
from 9am-Noon for Ages 8-18 Cost $50
Registration Flyer
Pitchers & Catchers Clinic
Held on New
Lancer Baseball Field
Tuesday and Thursday – April 21 and 23, 2015
Ages 7-to-18 / 9am-Noon (rain date Fri)
Cost $75.00 (includes T-Shirt)
Registration Flyer |
Basics of Hitting: Grip, stance, stride,
swing, dry swings, wrist hitting, vision drills, mental
game, slow-motion video analysis, beating the pitcher, short
and soft toss, live BP, stickball.
Basics of Throwing/Pitching: Grips, control & command,
mechanics, drills, competitions, stretching, stretch &
wind-up, flat ground, bullpen, on mound, long toss,
pick-offs, PFPs, Pepper, P-Chart, Play catch leading up to
Day 1 of the clinics to get the arm loose. Kids who have not
yet pitched in their leagues are taught proper throwing
mechanics. Seasoned pitchers will throw off indoor mounds.
Let us know of any arm problems.
Basics of Defense, Strength & Conditioning, Base running: We
break into groups of primary and secondary defensive
positions. Kids will also go through a general conditioning
workout geared towards baseball players. Even though inside
kids will understand how to run the bases properly. |
If you have
something you would like added
click here |

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